Television/Store Design/Mobile
'Epic Prep'
After almost 3 years of declining sales, Burger King needed to get back to what made them great in the first place: the food. This Epic Prep campaign was the first layer of a multi-faceted branding effort that would roll out over the course of several years to help reverse franchisees declining fortunes. The work, with the help of Psyop and Voiceover talent Bryan Cranston, had an immediate impact to the point that Burger King had to pull a couple of the spots because produce suppliers were actually running out of featured ingredients. Franchisees reported three straight quarters of positive gains for the first time ever in the history of the company. Now that sales have stabilized, the brand is well on its way to regaining its place at the top of the fast food chain heap.
Mcgarrybowen, New York
'Cali Whopper' - 30 sec
'Perfect sundae' - 30 sec
Making of 'Perfect sundae'
BK Fire Alarm App
Wi - Fire loyalty rewards App
Burger King - Store design guideline book